UMCOR Relief Kits for Hurricane Harvey Response
In response to the devastating flooding in the Southeast wrought by Hurricane Harvey, we are collecting items for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Hygiene Kits and Cleaning Kits to be shipped to the Sager Brown UMCOR Depot for distribution to those in need. The Missions Committee will assemble donated items into the kits, which must be delivered to the district office before September 29.
Please be sure to follow the UMCOR guidelines at the links below. Items for the kits can be brought to the church and placed in the boxes in the lobby labeled "Hygiene Kits" or "Cleaning Kits".
You may also make cash donations to UMCOR through the church. Simply write "UMCOR Advance #901670" in the memo line of your check. Or click here for online donation.
Please be sure to follow the UMCOR guidelines at the links below. Items for the kits can be brought to the church and placed in the boxes in the lobby labeled "Hygiene Kits" or "Cleaning Kits".
You may also make cash donations to UMCOR through the church. Simply write "UMCOR Advance #901670" in the memo line of your check. Or click here for online donation.
For a list of materials and instructions, click on these links:
Hygiene Kits - click here
Cleaning Kits - click here
Hygiene Kits - click here
Cleaning Kits - click here